Want to feel alive & fulfilled? Knowing your core values is the answer.
You’ll hear CORE values mentioned on podcasts about human potential, business psychology or health and well-being.
But what are yours - and what are you meant to do with them?!
Join me for a one off workshop on Getting the Balance Back.
You’ll get total clarity on what your core values are and have the confidence to begin to align your life to your values. And NO you don’t need to leave your job/ move to the coast to do this.
You can implement your core values no matter what your life looks like.
Start today by booking your space.
Numbers are limited to 15 to ensure that you have the time/ support you need to get the clarity you’re looking for.
Get the Balance Back, discover your core values & how to use them
Thursday 23rd March, 7-8.30pm, Edinburgh (Mardy Bum Active Club & BEIRA, Stockbridge)
Tickets £40 (£35 before 12th March with Early Bird code)
Hannah Buchan is a transformational coach who specialises in supporting women to get unstuck & live more. She uses a range of research-based strategies and experience to facilitate behaviour change in life & business. @the_live_more_coach