Christmas Take Back
Right girls this is our ONE life. I think it’s about time that we made Christmas and the whole festive season bloody epic.
How are you going to do that??
Get crystal clear on what YOU want this Christmas. I don’t care about what you think you should do or what you always do I’m interested in how you want to FEEL this festive season.
How do you want to feel???
Calm? Energised? Connected? Happy?
How do you want to feel?
Once you’ve decided ( and don’t overthink it) bloody own it. Shout it from the rooftops write it on your bathroom mirror. Do whatever you need to do to keep it at the forefront of your mind.
Once your clear on what it is you want to feel you have the POWER.
Now what?
Decide what you do already that makes you feel like that and do MORE of it. And recognise what makes you feel the opposite and do less of it.
EXAMPLE: I want to feel more present this Christmas. I am going to get out in nature with my family/Friends and take a flask of hot chocolate and mince pies. I am not going to go to the Christmas markets.
IF you are clear about what you want to feel this festive season and you are living your life according to that then you can be happy in the knowledge that you are not missing out.
Think outside the box. Mix it up
Don’t go and see Santa/lights being switched on/ everyone getting pissed at your Christmas party unless that is what’s going to bring you joy.
Do it your way.
Have Christmas lunch up a hill. Get up and out to see the sunrise. Have a gift-free Christmas. Swim in the sea while wearing a Santa hat. Write those you love a funny poem. Drink bloody marys and eat Space Invaders in your underwear, volunteer somewhere. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it makes you happy. Whatever makes your soul sing do that.
YOU choose how you do Christmas.
Do it YOUR way
I dare you to have a bloody epic Christmas!
*Want more tips on doing Christmas your way? - join my Live More Challenge Facebook group to follow my Christmas Take Back campaign! Click here
Christmas Day 2017 - crisps and fizz up the top of a soggy hill! Just brilliant!