2020 It's Time to Live
Do you have 20/20 vision on 2020? Do you know who you are and what you want in 2020?
It’s time to get clear so that you can live more in all areas of your life. Here are four ways that you can get clear on who you are and what you want.
Start with how you want to FEEL. Want to feel more calm? energised? fearless? in 2020? If you’re not sure brainstorm loads of different feelings and circle the ones that appeal to you. Write it up on the wall and do loads of what makes you feel like that. For example if you want to feel energised you might commit to get outside everyday or drinking 4 litres of water a day..
Review the last decade. What stands out as being brilliant about it? what can you learn from that. Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing? Then work out how you can do more of what you loved. Maybe you were happiest when you were camping in Scotland - plan a trip. Plan lots of trips - what’s stopping you? Maybe it was when you were doing something just for you? Skiing or pottery? Whatever it is that filled you with joy prioritise it.
Not sure what makes you happy? Try this Marie Forleo exercise… Complete this sentence: Wouldn’t it be cool if….. complete it with loads of different ideas. Spend 10 minutes doing it and then go back and look at your answers. What really excites you?
Get past any fixed mindsets you have. (I’m disorganised. I’m too old. I don’t have time. I’m useless with money. I should be grateful for what I have. I couldn’t… run my own business/ retrain/leave my job/ learn to surf.) Write them all down. Fixed mindsets hold you back and stop you from being you. Once you’ve written them all down score them out and beside them write the reality. For example I couldn’t run my own business becomes I could run my own business, I could find out what I need to do and I could make it happen.
‘Knowing what you want is the first step towards getting it’
Get clear. Live it. Love it.
Here’s to an outrageously fabulous 2020 #2020itstimetolive
Hannah x
Me in sparkly Loch Tay this October